
Friday, February 7, 2014

Welcome Marley Jade

 A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.
Carl Sandburg

"Where's Marley?"

This past December I met up again with Jamie, Cory & Kendal. After completing our session, 
Jamie asked me if I had ever photographed a birthing session... 
I hadn't.

But who doesn't like a challenge?

Besides, I'm always happy to be the one entrusted in capturing someone's memories.

Marley wasn't ready to come out of her cozy womb by her due date so
Jamie & Cory headed off to be induced early Tuesday, February 4th.

I personally arrived around 7am 
(nervous that Marley could come at any time! 
- did I mention I also have never experienced a birth before??).

Jamie was started on doses of pitocin by 6AM and all that was left to do was wait…

Patiently… :)
Finally, things started really moving along by 1PM.

And with the guidance of some incredibly well-trained (& well-experienced) staff..
Plus, one tough momma!..

Miss Marley Jade Vining made her arrival into the world at 1:44PM! 
By this point, I'm in tears … 
Even with all the weddings, military homecomings and even surprise proposals that I have captured - my first birthing session was by far the most amazing experience of my life. 

Truly, even now as I attempt to type out my emotions of the moment in this blog post, 
my eyes are watering. 

Kendal was able to come visit soon thereafter to finally meet baby sister, Marley.

Congratulations Jamie, Cory & Kendal on the newest addition to your beautiful family. 
Jamie, your father said it best - y'all definitely make some beautiful babies. 
Thank you, a million times over, for having me be a part of your day and sharing the beauty of it all. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

 Sibling relationships - & 80% of Americans have at least one - outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness & distance, warmth, loyalty & distrust. 
- Erica E. Goode

Mikayla and Connor
I grew up for the most part as an only-child myself (my half-brother is 12 years my senior). 
Lots of solo imagination time in my years, which often carries through into my adult life. 
However, I recently had the absolute pleasure of meeting and getting to know two incredible children with an undeniable sibling bond. 
Full of giggles & silly faces (Connor's preference) 

Of course they play together, that's to be expected. But it's more than just having a playmate. 
They are supportive of one another, generous and helpful. 
Connor & Mikayla genuinely love their sibling. 

Connor & Mikayla genuinely love their sibling

Typically, I'm a huge proponent of reading, engaging with others, studying and discussing to expand our minds… Now, in this peaceful morning (while I still believe in the aforementioned) I see that simple observation may open our eyes (and hearts) much wider than anything else. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

November Photo Thanks.Day11

Happy Veterans Day and a HUGE thank you for all you've done and sacrificed for the rest of us. 
Of course, a special thanks for my own veteran, CSM Charles Garner, Ret.

November Photo Thanks.Day10

Yesterday (& most days) I wish I could meet the person who discovered that grinding and brewing coffee beans would create such an amazing elixir! Thank you coffee for helping carry me through! ;)

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